Nobody thinks popping pimples is a good idea. But it’s just so satisfying — mostly because you can actually see something happening. Contrary to the marketing promises of “blemish banishes” and “zit zappers,” immediate results

Nobody thinks popping pimples is a good idea. But it’s just so satisfying — mostly because you can actually see something happening. Contrary to the marketing promises of “blemish banishers” and “zit zappers,” immediate results are not the trademark of acne treatments, a frustrating truth to anyone suffering through a breakout. And while pimples are personal (your stress-induced spots will look and act differently than your best friend’s breakout), the best acne treatments will include a regimen of products to hit all of acne’s root causes. Our top designed formula is acnecure™ kit, is a two-part system designed to unclog pores, heal breakouts, and soothe redness.

However before treatment, we must first be fully educated about the pathophysiology of acne or as scientifically known as Acne vulgaris.

Acne vulgarise is the catch-all term for

Everything from angry red lesions to tiny white bumps, which are the results of hair follicles and their sebaceous glands becoming blocked and inflamed — how vulgar indeed. Genetics plays a big part in who gets acne and how severely, but each blemish can be blamed on some combination of sebum production, a bacteria called Propionibecterium acnes (P. acnes), plugged follicles, and inflammation. Finding a good treatment is really about finding the right combination of ingredients to troubleshoot each of those issues.

How We Found the Best Acne Treatment?

Our first plan was to look at it all — spot treatments, washes, scrubs, and creams — until we learned that when it comes to over-the-counter treatments, there is no one single cure. A 2013 study on acne vulgaris in The Nurse Practitioner concurred that, in most cases, a multidimensional approach to acne is necessary because most people have a combination of symptoms. On the advice of dermatologists and aestheticians, we turned our focus to regimen sets, analyzing the ingredients of more than 40 kits before finding our top picks.
With five acne treatments left in the running, we dug deeper into their ingredients and went through their regimens to find which ones worked hard on acne, yet felt great on the skin.A gentle yet powerful natural acne treatment that comprises of a delicate combination of potent scientific actives and soothing natural extracts.Its antibacterial and immunostimulant properties allow Acnecure to boost the body´s natural defences while fighting path-gens.



Benzoyl Peroxide, or simply BP, is probably the most famous acne treatment there is. Its proponents claim that Benzoyl Peroxide is a cheap substance that can work miracles, whereas its detractors argue that the side effects are too severe to make it worth considering. Benzoyl Peroxide does have the ability to kill acne and it has been widely established. The very reason it is used in such a large amount of products is that it has a proven track record. Benzoyl Peroxide is effective because of its ability to destroy  acne bacteria. First you need to know how exactly this bacteria causes acne. P. acne bacteria causes pimples to form by kick-starting an inflammatory response.

There will always be some p. acnes in your skin pores, but in a blocked skin pore the amount of oxygen decreases substantially, and that allows p. acne to multiply rapidly. The body then identifies this gathering of bacteria as a threat, and unleashes an inflammatory response against it.

In normal people this response is fairly small; p. acnes are just harmless bacteria and don’t need an all-out assault. But acne patients have overly powerful immune systems (also known as chronic inflammation) and this causes an extreme and over the top response to p. acnes. The excessive amounts of inflammtory chemicals cause the pore to become red, swollen, and adopt all the other characteristics of a pimple you’re familiar with.

In other words then, bacteria is a very important part of the acne formation process. Benzoyl Peroxide works by destroying this bacteria; when you apply it to your skin, it breaks down and forms oxygen, and this floods into your skin pores. However, though Benzoyl Peroxide might have the ability to reduce acne, it also has an extremely high number of reported side effects.

These effects are extremely varied and are severe in some cases. Some users report that Benzoyl Peroxide causes their skin to dry out and get excessively flaky.

Some report that BP causes their skin to get red and irritated, which is quite opposite to the desired result of getting your skin to look better. Some people even report that Benzoyl Peroxide can cause premature aging. Apparently people noticed that using Benzoyl Peroxide for a long time caused their face to gain the kind of wrinkles they expected would be decades away.

Therefore the fact that Benzoyl Peroxide works does not at all mean that you should use it. You only have to go on the internet to find the problems that people have had with it.If you compare the customer reviews and experiences for Benzoyl Peroxide to other products, then you’ll see that the amount of problems reported is significantly higher. There aren’t any studies studying the side effects such as premature aging, but it makes a lot of sense when you consider the science. Benzoyl Peroxide forms oxygen (as well as benzoic acid) when it comes into contact with the skin, meaning that it can cause oxidative damage to your cells.


  1. Wash face with SKINLAB Acnecure Cleanser then pat your face dry with a clean towel.
  2. Apply Acnecure gel over the whole acne prone area.
  3. Though immediate results can be noticed within 12 hours only, Full treatment of acne prone skins takes at least two weeks.
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